When you sell information online in ebook format, can you stop people from sharing it? You can limit sharing using Clickbank as a payment option. Clickbank provides some measure of protection.
How does it limit access? After creating a sales page to describe the product you link to Clickbank. There is a buy it now button that you can add through Clickbank that will capture the credit card information that the customer puts in. Upon entering valid information and having the necessary funds available, the link to download the product is provided to the customer. This is the only way the download link can be accessed. This provides some protection for you.
However, once a customer has that link, he or she can download your product and share it with everyone. How do you protect yourself even after payment has been received?
One method to protect yourself when you sell information online is to store that information on a website that provides password protection. By keeping your information in this format, this provides a form of protection for you. The way my website is set up is that each customer gets a user name and password unique to them and their account. Since my product is $700 and has a $97 a month subscription, it is important that I protect my information. Otherwise my very valuable content can be shared with the world. I do not go through such great lengths for a $27 ebook that I am selling.
There are some cases, particularly in Christian and other morality based markets where sharing is not as big of a concern. Often you can simply use the honor system to discourage sharing. What you do is note in the ebook that this is not a free product and that if the reader received the product for free to report the person sharing back to you and delete or purchase the product. You might be surprised by how many people will actually report back to you and either delete or purchase the product. Many people are honest about this type of thing.
The bottom line is that unless you keep your information on a password protected membership website or use PDF protection software, there is not much you can do to stop sharing when you sell information online. - 30201
How does it limit access? After creating a sales page to describe the product you link to Clickbank. There is a buy it now button that you can add through Clickbank that will capture the credit card information that the customer puts in. Upon entering valid information and having the necessary funds available, the link to download the product is provided to the customer. This is the only way the download link can be accessed. This provides some protection for you.
However, once a customer has that link, he or she can download your product and share it with everyone. How do you protect yourself even after payment has been received?
One method to protect yourself when you sell information online is to store that information on a website that provides password protection. By keeping your information in this format, this provides a form of protection for you. The way my website is set up is that each customer gets a user name and password unique to them and their account. Since my product is $700 and has a $97 a month subscription, it is important that I protect my information. Otherwise my very valuable content can be shared with the world. I do not go through such great lengths for a $27 ebook that I am selling.
There are some cases, particularly in Christian and other morality based markets where sharing is not as big of a concern. Often you can simply use the honor system to discourage sharing. What you do is note in the ebook that this is not a free product and that if the reader received the product for free to report the person sharing back to you and delete or purchase the product. You might be surprised by how many people will actually report back to you and either delete or purchase the product. Many people are honest about this type of thing.
The bottom line is that unless you keep your information on a password protected membership website or use PDF protection software, there is not much you can do to stop sharing when you sell information online. - 30201
About the Author:
Stephen Beck teaches people how to sell information online. Grab his three complimentary videos at www.8weekstoprofits.com so you can begin today.